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My opinion matters
I write to find out what I think, and I publish so I can get it out of my head. I may not always be right, but do try to have good arguments. In the constant drum of content out there on the internet, I try to write pieces that I have not seen written anywhere else.
Because these things need to be said. I want a better future for people of color in Vermont. I want a Vermont that can be the paradise our marketing bureau paints it as. I want to read and write and live deliberately.
Your opinion matters
I hope these posts spark dialogue. While I’d love to know your reactions and thoughts, it’s much more important to me that the dialogue spreads out into the community. Talk about these topics with your colleagues, friends and neighbors. Make your voice known.
What people are saying
“For your consistently challenging and insightful thoughts in my inbox amongst a BARRAGE of junk. Thanks for making my email valuable again :)” - KH
“I am so inspired to think about additional ways BIPOC folx in VT can be seen, heard, and featured. Thank you for your words of encouragement, they mean the world to me, as I am a new BIPOC Vermonter, who moved here in April.” - KR
“What you write is insightful and important.” - MJ
“Thanks again, Phayvanh, for your writing and research. You are helpful.” - PS
“This is really well done; smart, touching, and powerful; and much needed. Thanks for writing and publishing it.” - DD
“Inclusion and Representation matter. I hope folks leading agencies, nonprofits, businesses, our local and state government— will give this article by Phayvanh a read.” - MM
“This is a really important point that a lot of us (myself included) would not think about.” - HS
“We are coming and reading because you’re telling it like it is!!! Thank you my friend!” - AH
“Thank you for examining and sharing and invoking and educating and inspiring. I appreciate this actionable love so much ❤️” - LA
“Thank you for your eye opening work.” - A
“Thank you for sharing such insightful and useful thinking!” - JL
“Thank you for a remarkably powerful piece of writing today.” - JS
“Damn, you can WRITE!” - AR
“I don’t even have an adjective for how resonant your writing is for me. Thank you for being so authentic. ❤️” - GR
“Thank you so much for such an essential read. So well crafted, such an important message, tests our ideals, provides a path forward to try to realize them more.” - BA
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